June 23, 2008

A Call and A Prayer...

Sepagian latihan pecs... kayanya kudu mulai beli beha nih...plaaaakkkk!!!!! (don't u even think!)

Sesiangan ngenet ga jelas!!!

Sesorean ketiduran, bangun2 udah magrib...bikin jangar!

Abis makan mie Instant (maklum lah...tanggal tua!)
Si "Poppers" sms, kangen dia bilang... hmmm... tapi lagi ga mood agh... masih pusing, sambil tetiduran di lantai... mendingan nonton Grey's dari awal lagi...

Suddenly, emak telpon...

She said, lately... she dreamed about me so often...
"Dede teu nanaon di ditu???" she asked. (hihihi, yeah... udah 27 tahun, tapi khusus ke Emak, Babeh n Kakak, masih aja saya membahasakan "Saya" dengan sebutan "Dede"... so kiyuttt yah!!!) (baca: ga tau diri dot kom)

"Gapapa kok, Mah" I answered.

Sempat terbersit, "How can I be okay??? I'm a gay!!!! And feeling so lonely now! Am struggling here!"
Aghhh... but I didn't dare to make her be worried.
Not now!!!

I may not the best child that my parents cud have.
But at least, I try...
And one thing that I know for sure.
No matter what or who I am gonna be.
In every prayers that'd been and will be said... their names were and will be mentioned.

So, dear GOD! I don't ask much...
Just let my parents be happy.
They already have too much pain.
I just cant see anymore tears fall from their eyes... Like I had, once.
And, It was... killing me...
Dear GOD!
I know YOU know... so, HELP ME, PLEASE....!!!

2 toyoran:

Anonymous said...

Here are your sentences:
How can I be okay??? I'm gay!!!!

So, you think being gay is not OK? So why do you still looking for love from another man?

Ga konsisten nih! :)

Manusia Bodoh said...

Thx for the comment...

I wish I cud choose...
Being gay...for me is not that "OKAY"...
If I cud be a straight... my life wud be so much easier...
But I'm a gay!!!!

Bukan ga konsisten.
Bermuka dua saya kira lebih tepatnya....:)

I'm a gay in the closet... I'm sure U know what I mean!