April 26, 2008

Turns My Switch On vs Off (part1)

This is my things...
As a "superficial" kind of person... there so many things in men (in women...I dont really care!! heheh ) that get my attention...
Physically... or more... there are things that can turn my switch on or off...

Here are some of them...

Saya tahu, belakangan mode rambut laki ga kalah ribet ama cewek.
Seingat saya, sejak F4 dengan "Meteor Garden"nya itu (yang sempat dijiplak sinetron Indo!!!) meledak di Indo, gaya rambut laki di Indo makin aneh2.
Saya emang orang simple. Ogahhh banget yang namanya something ribeud-ribeud!!!

Turns me ON.

Short, simple, and extra manly haircut.
Almost bald is super okay (this is my style for almost 4 years!)
Some hairstyling gel is acceptable.

(heheh...ga musti kaya pic di atas sih.... those are just my dreams!!!)

Turns Me OFF
* F4wannabe!!!

Dunno why, somehow this is one of my reason not to watch sinetron, or be a fan of those "Brondong" superstar!
Sekarang kalo ke jalan2 Mall (terutama "salah satu" Mall di Sby... no racist mean!!!) waduuuhhh...berseliweran... ga semua "mockable" sih... but most of them are!!! .... *superficial jerk kuadrat mode on!*

*"Rindu" n *King*-Band hairstyle (You know whom I mean!)

Saya bener2 ga abis pikir, with their bunch of money, they shud hire a better hairstylish!
But then again, this is my opinion... Rambut-gondrong-tanggung-guntingan-asal-ampir-nutupin mata-warna-warni-ga-jelas sooo turns me off. Apalagi mengingat, mereka pasti menghabiskan waktu lebih lama di depan kaca untuk "menata" model rambut itu (jadi keingetan, I saw a men in a mall toilet once, doin his hair done, dari pertama saya masuk-antri pipis-doing my "business"-cuci tangan 2x-kepet2-blow-drying my hands, dia masihhhhh sibuk ngatur2 poni dan rancung2 ga jelas itu...aduuuhhhh...capeeeeee!!! I didn't even notice how his face looked like!!! <---apa emang "tujuan"nya gitu? No Offense!!!)

Window to your heart. Hmmm...
Turns me ON

Nothing special, but men with glasses definitely make them look better!!! (in my eyes!)
Sumhow, they make a man looks smarter (the point is "brain" turns me so On, dear!)

Turns me OFF

Color contact lens... whaaattt??? C'mon, dude... menurut saya, waktu laki pake lensa kontak yang berwarna-warni itu (pernah lihat iklan kontak lens warna-warni itu modelnya laki? saya belom pernah!!!!), are they trying to match their ayes with their clothes??? Are you kidding me?
Color contact lens feminize them, and sissy things....just make me wanna say "I'm sorry, GudBye"!!!- while I'm running away....
What I've written above... just few things that suddenly appear in my brain....
There are still quite a lot more that I wanna write, but later...

maaf, buat yang ngerasa... tersinggung...kalo ada! This is just my stupid thought!!!!

To be continued....

3 toyoran:

Anonymous said...

weleh. kok samaaa. hahaha

Chry54lyz said...

Berbahagialah diriku yang pny mata coklat, hueheuhehehe.
Sooo nggak penting banget ya commentnya =P

Manusia Bodoh said...

I'm sure that you're a pretty lady,dear!!!

Tapi... just be my "Grace"!!!...