April 29, 2008

Turns My Switch ON vs Off (part 2)

It's the other name for upper body part (umm...rite???). Mau sebagus apa baju... mo bikinan desainer siapa juga... saya pikir, yang penting bagian dalemnya...
Emang sih, ada trik2 untuk "menutupi kekurangan"... but somehow, that's what losers do!!! (no offense!)

Turns Me ON

Well-Sculptured-torso with V-shape obviously everyone's dream...with some sweat...ugh, you got me!!! (sambil membayangkan si "abang-itu" pulling his body up....Men!!!...that's exactly made me wanna scream, agh...agh...agh!!! )
Flat abs... or even six-packs... yeah, baby...c'mon!
One more thing! Armpit with some smooth hair (no bush!!!) is definitely one of my most favorite body part (in some "excercise"... You know lah!)...weirdo???hmmm...I guarantee...once you know how do I make it felt like... you'd be addicted!

Turns Me OFF
Ummm... how do I say this, without offense anyone...
"I'm not a chubby chasser!!!"
C'mon, dude! Just becoz your parents feed you sufficiently, it doesn't mean... extra fat under your skin make you gorgeous! (I know this is kinda harsh to say!)
But, chubby is not, and will never be considered as latest trend in fashion!
Specially in "cong" world!

As Jack McFarland said, "Gym is Gay's Church!!!" Go there!!!
Saya mah ga mudheng, jaman sekarang, masih ada aja orang tua yang 'nganggep "Bigger is Better"
Where and when are we living in?

Sering saya lihat di Mall (sambil jalan sendiri...ummm... I definitely seemed like enjoy my loneliness too much!!!) anak anak di depan gerai fast food... dengan ukuran yang hampir segede anak kudanil...dan ada yang bilang...."Ihhh...lutuna!!! (sambil menjawil pipi yang demplon itu!)... dan ortu tu anak, tersenyum BANGGA!!!!
I'd look at them with my pity eyes!!!

Emang ga nyadar yah??? Fat might kill them, soon or later!
Saya ga heran, sekarang banyak anak di umur-umur produktif udah mulai ketergantungan ama obat anti hipertensi... Diabetes...hmmm....
Obesity, one of human's most dangerous silent enemy!!!
Rite now... Work your body out!!! And be sexy!!! (Dont think too much, just do it...NOW!!!!) Like me...(*narsistic mode on*)

Bukan "itu" tau!!!!! (sambil menatap kalian yang berpikiran seperti saya setiap kali mendengar kata bawah pinggang...*eyes of shame!*)
Kalo "itu" mah... yang penting fungsional lah.... heheh...

Turns Me ON

Susah bener cari gambar seperti yang saya pengin... tapi, short pants with nice leg...with toned calves... hmmm... damn!!!! HOT!

Turns Me OFF

Ga ngerti yah, emang saya yang aneh... tapi, somehow, kok saya kurang suka yah...liat laki pake celana super mereketetet...(yang sekarang ampir tiap anggota band pake!)... dengan celana super-ketat itu... kok malah membuat kebanyakan dari mereka malah tambah bogel, plus... kaos ketat dengan perut menyembul di balik kaos...

(I know U're rich... but,should U eat ur money bags too???)

Turns Me ON

Brief Boxer... comfort and sexy in the same package!!! Not showing most of ur assets, but bitchy enuff to turn my switch ON!!!

Turns Me OFF

G strings... Hmmm, u're over-proud...but also...over expose ur stuff, men!
Bukan tambah sexy... (kecuali bodi kamu sama kaya di pic atas), G string... kok malah jadi mirip kamu minjem kancut emak lu!!! heheh...
Unlesss you're going to be a male stripper... mending pake yang lebih manly yagh!!!

to be continued...

4 toyoran:

Hidden Closet said...

Gw setuju. Yang lo sebutin di atas itu turn my switch on too. Gw suka cowok yang kayak gitu. Well, who doesn't? lol

Manusia Bodoh said...

yeah..I'm only an ordinary person...with ordinary taste...

Anonymous said...

Hohoho..gw suka yang short pants with nice leg...with toned calves... hmmm... damn!!!! HOT! but, good-looking is must...Heheheh

Manusia Bodoh said...

sure... lah!!!