April 10, 2008

Someone to Complete me???... Yeah, RITE!!!

Sambil tepar... puyeng, mulut error... kalo makan yang kerasa cuman asin ama pahit... kapookkkk sakit Typhoid lagi!!!

Di kamar kost...sendirian... males lapor bo-nyok (daripada heboh!)
Nontonin koleksi Will and Grace...

Sampe di salah satu episode favorit saya...
Di season 3 episode 10 Judulnya "Coffee & Commitment"

Dari segi cerita, sebenernya bukan favorite saya...
Tapi... yang bikin ni episode dalem banget....

Waktu Will n Grace di "Commitment Ceremony"-nya Joe n Larry...sambil bertengkar...
They read this "Magical words"-card... (saya catet....!!!)

" When I'm feeling like there is no love coming to me...
And I have no Love to give...
When I'm feeling separated from the world...
And cut off from myself...
When I'm feeling a
nnoyed by every little thing...
Becoz I'm not getting what I want

I'll remember that there's an invinite ammount of love,... available to me...
And I'll see it in YOU...
I'll remember that I'm complete in within myself...
So I'll never have to look to you to complete me...

And Most of all...
I'll remember that everything I really need I already have
And whatever I dont have,
Will come to me when I'm ready to receive it!!!"

It makes me realize... and reminds me...
The myth about looking someone else, out there... to complete me... (whatta Hollywood poison!!!)...

I have to feel that I'm already fulfilled,so I can start to give... (*sok bijak mode on*!!!)

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