Jam udah lewat 12 malem.
Sambil bengong di kamar... lagi jaga...
Kecapean, habis "kerja keras"... tadi sore... xixixixi...
Malam yang sepi...
Udah biasa... tanggal 27 Mei, sama aja seperti hari2 yang laen...
Cuma, tambah tua aja...
Masih belom terbiasa, kalo ceting... tiap intro... masih pengin ngetik
"26 m sda 173 68 pri vers-top", huhuhu... kurang lengkap???
Sekarang kudu 27....aduuhhh...makin mendekati my "worry" age...
Jam udah lewat 12 malem.
Sambil bengong di kamar... lagi jaga...
Kecapean, habis "kerja keras"... tadi sore... xixixixi...

Malam yang sepi...
Udah biasa... tanggal 27 Mei, sama aja seperti hari2 yang laen...
Cuma, tambah tua aja...
Masih belom terbiasa, kalo ceting... tiap intro... masih pengin ngetik
"26 m sda 173 68 pri vers-top", huhuhu... kurang lengkap???
Sekarang kudu 27....aduuhhh...makin mendekati my "worry" age...
Yah, ritual birthday..
Menyusun daftar keinginan... sambil mengamini sendiri... amiinnn!!!!
Pengin, kalo shubuh bangun lebih semangat... sholat!!! (so alim yah... ah, namanya juga keinginan!)
Pengin lebih dewasa... heheh... mo dewasa gimana???... lah doyannya jajan Gerry Chocolatos... atau Momogi rasa Jagung bakar...hihih... murah meriah... walo kurang bergizi! (those snacks definitely are my guilty feeling!)
Pengin beli HaPe n Laptop... Ayo nabung... Semangat!!!... makannya jangan ceting muluwww!!!!
Pengin dapet PTT ke luar Jawa...di tempat terpencil, masih hijau, yang deket laut yang kaya di post card itu... tapi ada Gym-nya... kekekek

And my ultimate wish is...
Pengin... ada Yayang... di samping saya dan bilang...
"I love you, not only for a year... but for ever and a day"...hhhh...*sigh!*

Wishes are just wishes...
Maybe someday!
Tapi sekarang, kayanya saya harus lebih sering berkaca, dan memberi senyuman termanis, meski buat diri sendiri...
Sambil bilang,"I love you"...
Yeah, Im in my journey to love my self more than ever...before...
Maybe it sounds pathetic... or even, seems Narcistic, but, whatever degh!!! (silahkan menggonggong!!!)
Me to myself :
"I love you, dear... Happy Birthday...
This world is so much better when you're smiling...
So, just smile... as Ur gift... for the world... and most important... for your self...
Ev'rything's just gonna be alright...
You dont need anyone just to know how happy you are...
Coz U ARE already fulfilled...
Someday, U'll realize... that "Life is soooo FABULOUS"..."<---cong banget kan!!...teteepppp"
*My tears just felt down... I hope those are my joyfull tears*...ameen!!!
"I love you, dear... Happy Birthday...
This world is so much better when you're smiling...
So, just smile... as Ur gift... for the world... and most important... for your self...
Ev'rything's just gonna be alright...
You dont need anyone just to know how happy you are...
Coz U ARE already fulfilled...
Someday, U'll realize... that "Life is soooo FABULOUS"..."<---cong banget kan!!...teteepppp"

*My tears just felt down... I hope those are my joyfull tears*...ameen!!!

7 toyoran:
happy birthday to you :D, wish all your dreams come true. especially the "yayang" one :)
slamat ulang tahun mas!!!! huhuhu....27 ya...hehehe sammaa :D
anyway, may all your wishes come true lah!
sori telat! :D
by the way: sy juga demen gerry chocolatos, momogi yg coklat sm yg keju dan snack2 anak kecil lainnya :D
whadhuh... kirain lo lebih tua dari gw Om.. ternyata lebih tua gw ya 2 bulan hihihi.. welcome 27ers!!!
Tenang, gw juga pencinta krip-krip, anak mas, momogi jagung bakar, kacang turbo, es lilin, lolly pop kok.. hihihi.. (sambil emut-emut lolly pop...)
happy belated b-day!!!
maap telat, tp better than never kan, huehuehhehe ^^
wish you all the best dee!!!
Plakkk... yang telat!!! heheh...
Thx anyway....
Noel!!! hihihih... posting saya seperti tulisan orang tua yah??? (ni sambil ngemil cokelat superman!)
luke!!! kalo momogi, saya mah doyannya yang jagung bakar...!!! sambil kerja, nyemil gituan...hihihii
angelix!!! thx yah!
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