November 08, 2007

Audrey Niffenegger's "Time Traveler's Wife"

Judul : Istri Sang Penjelajah Waktu - Time Traveler's Wife
Penulis : Audrey Niffenegger
Tebel buku : 656 halaman (gue baru bisa abis 1 bulan... :) ...)
Harga : 68 k di Gramedia... secara gue beli di Uranus... diskon 20% jadi cukup 53k doang :) lumayan.....

Just finished my Audrey Niffenegger's "Time Traveler's Wife"...
When I decided to buy the book (which was hardly recomended by my book-freak friend), kinda have some vision or premonition... and got remember the old TV series "Quantum Leap" (gosh, tua sekaleee...)
Ni buku pasti tentang Time traveling gitu... lompat2 dari waktu ke waktu, pake mesin waktu... atau gimana gitu... futuristic science fiction,...
But, after pages....then I found my self totally wrong....
This book is about love... It's a love story...
I realize... from the book's title... I should notice the "wife" word.

Singkatnya, there are Henry and Claire...
Henry is a time traveler, tapi bukan pake mesin waktu atau pintu ajaib ala Doraemon. He just have it in his DNA...
The problem is, he couldn't control, when or where he went. It just happened in an unpredictive time. Beside, setiap dia menjelajah waktu, begitu dia muncul di suatu masa (mostly in past time, but sometimes in future <---this is the interesting part) dia dalam keadaan naked, and starved ... itulah yang membuat dia harus berbuat sedemikian rupa hingga dia bisa survive, stealing things... lari dari kejaran orang2 and many more "particular ability" just to survive...
Until he met Claire in his past...
Padahal pertama kali dia ketemu, Claire was just a little girl...
The story goes... 'til them get married... trying to have a baby (whatta struggle)... and die... (I wont be a spoiler!)

Ceritanya sooo imaginary,... kalo dipikir pake nalar, susah banget nerima logikanya... but, that makes it otentik...
I like it... lumayan lah, seksi juga in some parts...

Gue amazed, a part where Claire in her future time,.... met Henry from the past.... hmmm, so nice...

Andai gue bisa menjelajah waktu... dan merubahnya...
Ada satu waktu yang ingin gue apus...
When I meet You, my angel....
So, I dont have to feel this kind of pain...
I know that U've forgotten me now,... I wish I could do the same...
But I just can't....

Maybe someday!

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